四叉树(Quadtree)是一种数据结构,可用于表示图像。本文聚焦于一种简单的四叉树结构,使用Haskell及函数式编程(Functional Programming)的思想对其进行递归表示,并实现对由该四叉树表示的的二值图像的边缘检测。


-- define colors data Color = Black | White deriving (Eq, Show) -- implement Quadtree (the order of quadrant is same as mathematical coordinate system, with top-right grid being the first quadrant) data Quadtree = Cell Color | Grid Quadtree Quadtree Quadtree Quadtree deriving (Eq, Show) -- ignore size if a Quadtree is in same color allBlack :: Int -> Quadtree allBlack _ = Cell Black allWhite :: Int -> Quadtree allWhite _ = Cell White

{- For this exercise, my general idea is that, first, find out all neighbours of each cell and store these information in a separate data structure (QuadtreeWN), then generate the new Quadtree which detects edges by those neighbours. To find out all neighbours, I use two nested recursions. One is to update neighbour list gradually from leaves to root. At each level, I tell each grid their surroundings, and use another recursion to update given surrounding cells into neighbour lists of cells of the current quadtree. This method does not care about the real size of cells, and so works on large, non-uniform quadtrees. -} -- define Quadtree with Neighbours which is represented as a list of cell colors data QuadtreeWN = CellWN Color [Color] | GridWN QuadtreeWN QuadtreeWN QuadtreeWN QuadtreeWN deriving (Eq, Show) -- define Surroundings that stores surrounding quadtrees of a quadtree data Surrounding = Empty | SQuadtree Quadtree deriving (Eq, Show) data Surroundings = Surroundings { top :: Surrounding, bottom :: Surrounding, left :: Surrounding, right :: Surrounding, topLeft :: Surrounding, topRight :: Surrounding, bottomLeft :: Surrounding, bottomRight :: Surrounding } deriving (Eq, Show) -- define helper functions to get the specific sub-quadtree of a quadtree getGridA :: Surrounding -> Surrounding getGridA Empty = Empty getGridA (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = SQuadtree (Cell co) getGridA (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = SQuadtree a getGridB :: Surrounding -> Surrounding getGridB Empty = Empty getGridB (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = SQuadtree (Cell co) getGridB (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = SQuadtree b getGridC :: Surrounding -> Surrounding getGridC Empty = Empty getGridC (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = SQuadtree (Cell co) getGridC (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = SQuadtree c getGridD :: Surrounding -> Surrounding getGridD Empty = Empty getGridD (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = SQuadtree (Cell co) getGridD (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = SQuadtree d -- define helper functions to get cells of a quadtree in a given direction, e.g. `getTopCells` gives cells that compose the top edge of a quadtree getTopCells :: Surrounding -> [Color] getTopCells Empty = [] getTopCells (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getTopCells (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getTopCells (SQuadtree b) ++ getTopCells (SQuadtree a) getBottomCells :: Surrounding -> [Color] getBottomCells Empty = [] getBottomCells (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getBottomCells (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getBottomCells (SQuadtree c) ++ getBottomCells (SQuadtree d) getLeftCells :: Surrounding -> [Color] getLeftCells Empty = [] getLeftCells (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getLeftCells (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getLeftCells (SQuadtree b) ++ getLeftCells (SQuadtree c) getRightCells :: Surrounding -> [Color] getRightCells Empty = [] getRightCells (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getRightCells (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getRightCells (SQuadtree a) ++ getRightCells (SQuadtree d) getTopLeftCell :: Surrounding -> [Color] getTopLeftCell Empty = [] getTopLeftCell (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getTopLeftCell (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getTopLeftCell (SQuadtree b) getTopRightCell :: Surrounding -> [Color] getTopRightCell Empty = [] getTopRightCell (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getTopRightCell (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getTopRightCell (SQuadtree a) getBottomLeftCell :: Surrounding -> [Color] getBottomLeftCell Empty = [] getBottomLeftCell (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getBottomLeftCell (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getBottomLeftCell (SQuadtree c) getBottomRightCell :: Surrounding -> [Color] getBottomRightCell Empty = [] getBottomRightCell (SQuadtree (Cell co)) = [co] getBottomRightCell (SQuadtree (Grid a b c d)) = getBottomRightCell (SQuadtree d) -- update border cells of given surroundings into neighbour list of each cell (recursion from root to leaves) updateNeighbours :: QuadtreeWN -> Surroundings -> QuadtreeWN updateNeighbours (CellWN co neigs) surrs = CellWN co (neigs ++ getBottomCells (top surrs) ++ getTopCells (bottom surrs) ++ getRightCells (left surrs) ++ getLeftCells (right surrs) ++ getBottomRightCell (topLeft surrs) ++ getBottomLeftCell (topRight surrs) ++ getTopRightCell (bottomLeft surrs) ++ getTopLeftCell (bottomRight surrs) ) -- pass specific sub-quadtree of given surrounding quadtree to form use sub-Surroundings updateNeighbours (GridWN a b c d) surrs = GridWN (updateNeighbours a (Surroundings { top = getGridD (top surrs), bottom = Empty, left = Empty, right = getGridB (right surrs), topLeft = getGridC (top surrs), topRight = getGridC (topRight surrs), bottomLeft = Empty, bottomRight = getGridC (right surrs) })) (updateNeighbours b (Surroundings { top = getGridC (top surrs), bottom = Empty, left = getGridA (left surrs), right = Empty, topLeft = getGridD (topLeft surrs), topRight = getGridD (top surrs), bottomLeft = getGridD (left surrs), bottomRight = Empty })) (updateNeighbours c (Surroundings { top = Empty, bottom = getGridB (bottom surrs), left = getGridD (left surrs), right = Empty, topLeft = getGridA (left surrs), topRight = Empty, bottomLeft = getGridA (bottomLeft surrs), bottomRight = getGridA (bottom surrs) })) (updateNeighbours d (Surroundings { top = Empty, bottom = getGridA (bottom surrs), left = Empty, right = getGridC (right surrs), topLeft = Empty, topRight = getGridB (right surrs), bottomLeft = getGridB (bottom surrs), bottomRight = getGridB (bottomRight surrs) })) -- compute neighbour list of each cell (from leaves to root) computeNeighbours :: Quadtree -> QuadtreeWN computeNeighbours (Cell co) = CellWN co [] -- pass surroundings at each level to updateNeighbours computeNeighbours (Grid a b c d) = GridWN (updateNeighbours (computeNeighbours a) (Surroundings { top = Empty, bottom = SQuadtree d, left = SQuadtree b, right = Empty, topLeft = Empty, topRight = Empty, bottomLeft = SQuadtree c, bottomRight = Empty })) (updateNeighbours (computeNeighbours b) (Surroundings { top = Empty, bottom = SQuadtree c, left = Empty, right = SQuadtree a, topLeft = Empty, topRight = Empty, bottomLeft = Empty, bottomRight = SQuadtree d })) (updateNeighbours (computeNeighbours c) (Surroundings { top = SQuadtree b, bottom = Empty, left = Empty, right = SQuadtree d, topLeft = Empty, topRight = SQuadtree a, bottomLeft = Empty, bottomRight = Empty })) (updateNeighbours (computeNeighbours d) (Surroundings { top = SQuadtree a, bottom = Empty, left = SQuadtree c, right = Empty, topLeft = SQuadtree b, topRight = Empty, bottomLeft = Empty, bottomRight = Empty })) -- decide if a given color is same as all of list elements isSameColor :: Color -> [Color] -> Bool isSameColor c [] = True isSameColor c (x:xs) = c == x && isSameColor c xs -- generate resulting matrix according to information in neighbour lists, which computes edges detectEdges :: QuadtreeWN -> Quadtree detectEdges (CellWN co neigs) = if isSameColor co neigs then allWhite 1 else allBlack 1 detectEdges (GridWN a b c d) = Grid (detectEdges a) (detectEdges b) (detectEdges c) (detectEdges d) -- my crude edge detector ndiff :: Quadtree -> Quadtree ndiff (Cell _) = allWhite 1 ndiff grid = detectEdges (computeNeighbours grid)
Hi, I’m a 2nd year student, currently studying computer science at university of manchester. Sometimes, I don’t understand the assignments they give so asking my seniors is always a great help. I found your website quite helpful. I wanted to ask if u could help me with my assignment…I will really appreciate it.